
Saturday, 14 March 2015

An art of women

All of humanity arises in a woman,
The most joyful event is the birth
Of a new hope and a new life in Obstetrics and
The respect to our mothers in Gynaecology.

It is not only the knowledge, but also
Values that we learnt from each one of you,
Thank you to all teachers in the Obs-Gyn Prof Unit.
We wish you more good health and happiness.

Thank you!

[*When Gyalsey Ngulchu Thogmey had written the 37 Practices of Boddhisattva, he said he was not bothered about poetry and flowery words. This short poem or verse follows the same principle. All points are said direct and to the point. That must be an attribute of being in medical school for too long. Written in March 2015]

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