I cannot teach anybody
anything; I can only make them think – Socrates
Learning is a process through which a subject acquires new
information, knowledge, skills or capabilities. It can occur as a part of an
organised, intentional and systematic institution in the presence of a trainer (formal
learning); or as a part of intentional and self-motivated conduct (non-formal
learning); or we might automatically learn and process information
unintentionally through our daily living conducts (informal learning).
involves the basic physiology of collection of stimulus information via any of
our five fundamental senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch – that are
associated with various parts of our brain. The basic Thus, the brain as an
organ of learning and intelligence is invariably undisputed.
to the encephalization quotient scale, humans are graded the most intelligent followed
by bottlenose dolphin, orca and chimpanzee, etc (Jerison, 1973). Therefore,
keen theories have been developed on learning.
Theories on
learning have been categorized into three frameworks: behaviourism, cognitivism
and constructivism (humanism).
Behaviouristic Theory of Learning
Behaviourism considers all actions, thoughts and feelings as
the behaviour of an individual. The acquisition of such behaviour through
training or repeated practice is termed learning. This theory is proved by the
famous Pavlov’s dog experiment which shows that response to particular stimuli
can be learnt and reinforced through repeated practice.
Cognitivistic Theory of Learning
Cognitivism states that each individual has a unique
understand of things based on their personal experiences. This means that learning
can be subjective and personal at times where organization and processing of
newly learnt information is based on individual prior learning. Stimulation of
prior learning allows schema activation where information is arranged in a
meaningful way for its easy retrieval.
Constructivistic Theory of Learning
Constructivism states that individuals learn by doing, thus
promoting active learning. It is also called as humanism as it takes into
account the physical as well as emotional factors that influence learning
processes such as the learning environment, state of anxiety, motivation, etc.
Central to all these theories of
learning is the information processing model that describes how learning is
stored as memory (figure in the following page). Memory is the ability to
encode, store and retrieve information and data.
One of the major challenges in
learning is ‘forgetting’. It is a natural phenomenon whereby sensory and
short-term memory are lost whereby the individual is unable to retrieve or
recall some previously learnt information.
Despite the fact that we forget,
these are the concepts that prove useful at one or the other point in the
process of learning:
1. Classical
This was proven by Ivan Pavlov (1927) through experimentally conditioning a dog
to produce a certain response to a particular stimulus. This indicates that
repeated practice induces learned responses in subjects. Eg: Drivers press on
their brakes if they suddenly see a pedestrian crossing the road.
2. Stimulus
This refers to the fact that in some instances, individuals effect those
previously conditioned responses even after the initiating stimulus is
withdrawn. Eg:
If a child has been conditioned to fear a stuffed white rabbit, it will exhibit
fear of objects similar to the conditioned stimulus such as a white rat toy.
3. Operant conditioning: As the name implies,
operant conditioning influences the response of individuals to stimuli
depending to the consequence it suffers. If the consequence is a reward, the
response is reinforced. Eg: Some children study hard aiming at the prizes and
rewards that he can win by passing or topping the exam. However, if the
consequence is unpleasant, the response is discontinued. Eg: If a child gets
punished every time he gets late into the class, he will ultimately become
punctual and his response of getting late will become extinct.
Escape and avoidance
Escape conditioning occurs when a subject tries to avert an aversive stimulus.
Eg: If we see a huge ball of fire razing a building in town, we avoid going
near the accident site to prevent ourselves from getting hurt. Avoidance
conditioning is inherent in subjects that can judge what is good and what is
bad for ourselves. Eg: While walking, we avoid walking over water puddles and
take an alternative course. Although walking over the puddle has no grave
consequences, we tend to select the most enabling and enhancing comfort for
5. Observational
learning: Also known as social or vicarious learning, it occurs when a subject
observes a function, keeps it in memory and replicates the novel action. Eg:
This applies mostly to how some children pick up soft and polite ways of
talking by observing their parents’ actions in good families.
Thus, as said by Socrates at the
head of this paper, learning involves gathering of information from the
environment, retaining them as memory and replicating or recollecting them when
required. Because it is our own brain that is involved in learning, it is
imperative that we take personal effort in making ourselves learn the world.
Though there may be biological or
idiopathic difficulties in learning, by adapting any of the various theories of
learning, we can make the best use of the human-intelligence-capability that we
are born with.
Jerison, HJ, 1973 Evolution
of the brain and intelligence. Academic Press, New York.
Karunthilake, I, 2012, Lecture
presentation, UCFM, Colombo
Lecture presentation, SLFI
This article was written on on 18 January 2012 as an academic requirement for Behavioural Sciences Stream, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo .
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